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Brooms for Forklifts, Tractors & Plant Machinery

A forklift brush is an essential tool for maintaining cleanliness and safety in farmyards or industrial sites. We offer a wide selection of Broomex push broom sweepers (formerly known as SweepEx), designed specifically to simplify the upkeep of farmyards or smallholdings. These robust and durable Broomex push brooms are capable of withstanding the rigors of a busy work setting and are crafted to ensure longevity, guaranteeing top-notch quality. They can sweep up to an impressive 450 miles before requiring bristle replacement. Featuring a straightforward design with no complex moving parts, the Broomex forklift brush system is both easy to maintain and simple to operate. Every farmyard would benefit from owning a Broomex. Explore our range and get in touch with us today.

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